Griffin's Intro Questions

  1. Griffin - Junior - Communication Design/Psychology
  2. I'm from Seattle, Washington. Although this is a required class for me, I'm interested in learning about how to create my own website.
  3. I took CS131 but that was with Java
  4. I hope to get to a point with coding where I can apply design to my code to make it look good.
  5. I think there's a certain level of coding proficiency that we have to get to before we can apply design principles which is slightly different.
  6. Turnstyle - I think Turnstyle has a really unique approach to a studio website. It's very easy to navigate but has a really interesting way of using minimalist design in a way that isn't boring.
  7. SoccerBible - SoccerBible has a very simple approach to showing their content. Most of the information that viewers want is on the first page and is very easy to access.
  8. Youtube - A classic but I don't think I've ever had trouble using youtube